LifeLesson ( Poetry)

When one is a misfit
And one knows it

People look at one with a suspicious eye
As if one is an enemy’s spy

Or they think you are an alien
With views, which are unknown

At best , they call you a rebel
And they guard themselves as if you repel

However, the truth is none of these
I just don’t follow norms blindly or with ease.

Yes, I question a lot and that
Makes people think I am evil and bad

I am as harmless as a snow flake
I may shout but there is no pain which you take

Yes , I get extremely sad when I am told
You cannot join and I am left out in the cold

Like all humans , I need my own
How long can I survive all alone?

I reason because I want to understand the logic
Only because I don’t quite believe in sudden magic.

Is it a fault so enormous
Thst I am considered to be callous?

I care a lot, sometimes too much but I care
But this too is misunderstood, of which I am aware

Most people are critical
Of me being too emotional.

I now prefer silence
Because I can do no pretence

Life is at times too rough
I hope I become tough

Softspoken, polite and non judgemental me
Has to become curt, as that’s what society wants one to be

Adios to the old , empathetic person
I was , as now I will offer no compassion.

And this my Life’s Lesson!

~ Kavi

5 responses to “LifeLesson ( Poetry)”

  1. Nikita Chadha avatar
    Nikita Chadha

    One thing I’ve gotten in genes is being a rebel. And not at all apologetic about it! 😎


  2. muktakhanna63 avatar

    Each one of is unique. Love you as you are . You don’t have to change at all . You have penned your thoughts beautifully.


  3. Loved it! So true. You’re awesome Kavita 👌👍😊

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Straight from your heart


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